Wishing a warm Mechanics welcome to four of our newest staff members,
Suzie, Christina, Sarah, and Maci!

Suzie Huston
Suzie has joined our Main Office as a Customer Service Representative. In her free time, she likes to do anything creative, specifically arts and crafts, such as watercolor and embroidery.
Visit the Main Office to welcome Suzie to the team!
Christina Pope
Christina has joined our Trimble Office as a Customer Service Representative. She enjoys spending quality time with her husband and three kids.
Visit the Trimble Office to welcome Christina to the team!

Sarah Howe
Sarah has joined our Madison Office as a Customer Service Specialist. She is studying Human Services and Social Work at North Central State College.
Visit the Madison Office to welcome Sarah to the team!
Maci Alexander
Maci has joined our Main Office as a Customer Service Specialist. Maci moved to Ohio from Texas and enjoys the opportunity to enjoy all four seasons!
Visit the Main Office to welcome Maci to the team!